Join us on June 9, 2022 at 12 PM ET/9 AM PT/1 PM AT for the first ever NACC Instructor Jam Session. This event will gather leading experts in different fields to “jam” with private career college instructors about skills, trends, and developments in career training instruction.

We will be welcoming our guest speaker Gavin Park, who will bring some important thoughts to the group about Learning Management Systems and Assessments and how we as instructors can leverage tools to better understand the students we have so we can determine early on how they are doing. His extensive experience as an instructor will give us some guidance on how we can best serve our students and set them up for success.


Gavin Park has been working in the e-learning and education world for almost 20 years. In that time, he has worked in design and delivery of courses to post-secondary students in the college and university sector, as well as the private sector for insurance and banking clients. A fundamental aspect of Gavin’s practice is the concept of Universal Design for Learning, which places accessible design at the heart of the design and instruction process.


His wealth of knowledge will offer an opportunity to examine learning over the past year and a half and beyond, in terms of what has worked well for students and what has not. The outcome will be a summary of best practices that we can take away and employ in each of our respective settings

At the end of Gavin’s presentation, all attendees will be put into brief Breakout Room Sessions to discuss topics of interest to you with other instructors across Canada. College Owners, Directors and Managers, we encourage you to share this event with your instructors by forwarding this e-mail to them. All college staff associated with a NACC Member College are invited to join this event.
We hope to see you there!


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