Regulated career colleges have been an integral part of the post-secondary educational landscape in Canada for close to two centuries.
- Canada’s first regulated career college dates back to the early 1800s.
- Annually, regulated career colleges have more than 175,000 students enrolled.
- Over 35,000 employees work in regulated career colleges.
- NACC itself was founded in 1896.
Regulated Career Colleges Programs
- Are fully recognized and reviewed by provincial governments.
- Offer compressed length of study, high-quality and regulated instruction, small class sizes, and flexible schedules, all of which are appealing to students.
- Provide graduates the necessary skills to get jobs and fill industry voids immediately.
NACC by the numbers. About our graduates:
- 79% of grads enjoy higher income than before training.
- 89% of grads are participating in the workforce.
- 80% of those employed are working in sectors related to their training.
Work Permits for International Students
- International students registered in a public educational institution are able to obtain a post-graduate work permit. Currently, this does not apply to students of private institutions (with very few exceptions).
- This is discrimination against small and medium sized businesses trying to create jobs in our communities.
- By design, career college programs are more condensed, which appeals to many international students. Comparable programs are often unavailable at public institutions.
- Loss of students: International students wanting to attend programs offered at career colleges choose other destinations instead of Canada.
- Loss of job creation: Should international students attending career colleges be allowed to receive work permits, it is estimated that thousands of jobs would be created.
- Loss of revenue: Estimated at $120 million per year.
What NACC is doing
- On behalf of our members, NACC has been lobbying Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Minister’s Office to have this policy changed.
- We will continue to advocate for a change in this policy so our colleges can create long-term sustainable careers for their students.
By allowing international students attending private institutions to obtain post-graduate work permits, more international students will choose Canada.